

Photo Gallery of schools and children supported through your donations!



This is one of the temporary school buildings that are in use. They are made of mud and cow dung. As you can tell, the walls are deteriorating. Between the rains and the termites, eventually they will come down. Pastor Moses and the team are trying vigilantly to raise enough funds to build permanent structures before the buildings become dangerous to the children. 




 school foundation

In July of 2011, Pouring the foundation of a two room addition at a school in Lugazi . Crossroads Community Church in Sebastian Fl. sponsored and paid for the expansion. They also sent a team to help with the construction.

Would your church or organization be interested in sponsoring a school room or two? You would be most welcome to bring a team to Uganda! It will be a trip of a lifetime.


The building is almost complete in this picture. The children are already using the classrooms!

school blds 1

Inside a typical mud built classroom. The teachers were discussing that days business.

teachers and classroom

Teachers at school in Kampala, recieving donation of much needed supplies. Did you know that a box of 24 crayons cost over $3 a box in Uganda? At Walmart they were bought on sale for about $.50

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